The United Nations have dedicated this year's theme to upholding the ideal of “Equality: Reducing inequalities and advancing human rights”... The past two years since the pandemic broke out have exacerbated existing inequalities; whatever is left of our fundamental freedoms were also severely threatened... In our 2015 commentary, Think Centre highlighted the extensive and lingering presence of repressive draconian laws... it would have been unimaginable to think the situation could worsen.... the introduction of POFMA and FICA... only reflect the adversarial and suspicious attitudes and lack of faith in the citizenry by the incumbent political leaders...
Keep Reading →The 13th post-independence general election held last month on 10 July marked a remarkable and historic milestone in Singapore’s political development. Remarkable as it was held amid an ongoing global pandemic, historic for the largest voter turnout, the largest number of political parties contesting, and a respectable number of votes for alternate parties…. Singaporeans need to re-think about the adequacy of our current political system and prepare for discussions for reforms that will enable us to build a “new normal” that respects human rights and democratic participation… We should revert to single constituencies to allow each individual MP to achieve the mandate required to make it into the legislature… The welfare of workers both local and foreign which once had taken a backseat to the interests of shareholders and business owners became so bad that it could no longer be ignored. Migrant workers residing, or more correctly now, trapped, in dormitories were the hardest hit… The neglected segment of the workforce now contributes more than 94% of the total number of infections… The calls for electoral and political reforms are not made in a vacuum. Better political institutions and practices will almost always lead to better decisions that affects the daily socio-economic pressures Singaporeans face.
Keep Reading →Jolovan is an active and valued member of Singapore's civil society. He has laboured for years in service of improving the conditions of migrant workers in Singapore and has also fought for the rights of Singaporeans by working on issues such as free speech, freedom of assembly, detention without trial, opposition to the death penalty and other civil liberties. Peaceful assemblies and protests should never be a crime. The Singapore Government in its response to the recommendations made during the second UPR cycle said “Our laws allow our citizens to enjoy the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly while protecting the larger public interests of preserving public order and security” (A/HRC/32/17/Add.1, Para. 49). The prosecution of Jolovan Wham clearly indicates the gap between official rhetoric and the present ground reality.
Keep Reading →Think Centre condemns the imminent execution of Prabagaran Srivijayan scheduled for 14th July 2017. Prior to his arrest, Prabagaran was a 24-year-old young migrant worker who crossed the border daily from Johor (Malaysia) to work in Singapore in order to support his family... The presumption of guilt in such cases, which violates the right to a fair trial in international human rights law, also means that those who maintain their innocence like Prabagaran will never fit into the criteria. We are concerned that clemency pleas may not be heard by the entire cabinet, and based only on the recommendations of standing/ad hoc committees whose constituents are unknown to the public. ...many executions are carried out in secret, raising questions about the government claims about the efficacy of the death penalty in deterring crimes.
Keep Reading →As Singapore prepares to engage other United Nations member states on its human rights record at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in January 2016, it is clear that much more needs to be done by the government to properly address human rights issues, including to engage Singaporeans on the meaning of human rights in an inclusive society. The Alliance of Like-Minded CSOs in Singapore (ALMOS) is particularly concerned by the government�s overly-broad citation of �national security� in response to questions on the human rights impact of its practices. Citizens are not given a clear indication of the parameters of these security concerns; nor are they provided with convincing evidence that what the state practices is in proportion to the supposed security risks. It has also failed to explain how national security necessitates the turning away of refugees who have been persecuted in their home countries.
Keep Reading →The Alliance of Like-Minded CSOs in Singapore (ALMOS) is a group of civil society organisations (CSOs) that have collaborated to submit a Universal Periodic Review (UPR) to the United Nations in 2015, to highlight human rights issues in Singapore. ALMOS is represented by AWARE, Function 8, HOME, Project X, Sayoni, Singapore Anti-Death Penalty Campaign, The Online Citizen, Think Centre, We Believe in Second Chances and WWF Singapore, who have synergised efforts to increase international and local awareness of civil and political rights of Singaporeans through a combination of lobbying and public engagement activities.
Keep Reading →This year's Human Rights Day on 10 December is dedicated to Human Rights defenders who act to end discrimination.
Keep Reading →Everyone should enjoy all human rights. No one should be excluded. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.Non-discrimination must prevail.
Keep Reading →The Universal Declaration of Human Rights envisaged a world in which every man, woman and child lives free from hunger and is protected from oppression, violence and discrimination, with benefits of housing, health care, education and opportunity. It enshrines the hope for a better world, where aspirations to freedom and well-being converge.
Keep Reading →New United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights stresses need to tackle discrimination and inequality, and to do more to prevent genocide
Keep Reading →A summary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child -in child friendly language.
Keep Reading →On 12 August 2006, International Youth Day, the UN is reminding governments of their commitments. It's been 10 years since the United Nations set out its World Program of Action for Youth, with calls to improve the lives of the world's young people.
Keep Reading →The Human Rights Correspondence School (HRCS) of the AHRC has issued teaching modules on the International Criminal Court (ICC). It is for human rights activists, students, and anyone interest to know what is the ICC.
Keep Reading →March 8th is International Women's day. The Beijing Declaration recognizes that"women's empowerment and their full participation on the basis of equality in all spheres of society, including participation in the decision-making process and access to power, are fundamental for the achievement of equality, development and peace."
Keep Reading →The Convention on the Rights of the Child [CRC]provides the legal framework for basic human rights that children everywhere,without discrimination, have. In 1995, Singapore ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Both the government and civil society organisation have an obligation to promote the CRC.
Keep Reading →"Everyone has the right to education... Education shall be directed to the full development of human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace." (art.26 - Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
Keep Reading →Traditions cannot justify discriminative state policies and practices. Can one claim that man is the head of the family so women on the same job as man earn less, have less opportunity for promotion? Can one's parent object to interracial marriage?
Keep Reading →The antislavery movement - it was the first time a large number of people became outraged, and stayed outraged for many years, over someone else's rights. Singapore residents could learn from this movement not to give up their rights!
Keep Reading →Ten years after 189 countries agreed to reject laws that explicitly discriminate against women, several countries still have such laws in place. Laws in many countries "condone practices such as honour killings, marital rape and wife beating."
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