Racism in Singapore

Posted by Josephine Bersee under Letters on 11 August 2003

I was recently browsing through some employment agency sites and noticed that in some cases employers specify the race they want.

See for example http://www.businessedge.com.sg/01126613p2.htm

Apparently Singaporeans of other races who have the right qualifications for the job don't even have to bother to apply.

I wrote to a 'senior correspondent' of the Straits Times (who wrote an article about the colour divide and what could be done about it recently) about this and asked him if this is allowed in Singapore. This is what he wrote back:

"They are not supposed to do that. They can say Chinese-speaking, but not just 'Chinese'." (Didn't get the impression he was particularly shocked or anything)

I'm an expat so you have every right to say 'mind your own business' but I have to say that in many countries this would be called blatant race discrimination and the agency would be sued immediately...Is there a (government) commission here where this type of race discrimination/unequal treatment can be reported?

I'm just very interested in your views on this.

Note: Writer is from The Netherlands

Date: 8 August 2003

Think Centre agrees that racial discrimination is normal in Singapore. Read S'pore: Where racism is normal

The above article explains the situation in singapore. While ads with racial bias is NOT encouraged but in practice many Chinese owned firms still prefer chinese-speaking employees.

One may complaint to the MOM - Ministry of Manpower. But there is no law against racial discrimination, as far as i am aware, with references to employment. There is no eqaul opportunity commission, no ombudsman, and no human rights commission where one could log their complaints.

Think Centre hopes someday such a Equal Opportunituy commision, like in Hong Kong, will be set-up in Singapore.

Sinapan Samydorai
Think Centre

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