In the aftermath of the Sept 11 business of terror and counter-terror measures, the world is experiencing an unprecedented erosion of human rights that undermines solidarity among peoples, respect for human dignity, justice and peace among communities. Promotion of Human Rights education is thus key for bonding the communities and respecting each other as equals in dignity.
Think Centre - Human Rights Working Group is organizing a Forum on 11th December 2004 to Celebrate Human Rights Day 2004 and the Human Rights Award nominee for 2004 is Ron Chandran-Dudley. 11 December 2004 Venue: Oxford Hotel from 3 to 6 pm |
In the aftermath of the Sept 11 business of terror and counter-terror measures, the world is experiencing an unprecedented erosion of human rights that undermines solidarity among peoples, respect for human dignity, justice and peace among communities. Without respect for human rights and its foundation of core human values, Think Centre (TC) fears that international justice and world peace could cease to exist.
Unless children are thought to respect fellow human beings, respect their human dignity and equality, there will be no friendship, solidarity, human development - the key ingredient in fostering world peace. Children who grew with love, trust and friendship learn to respect person regardless of race, religion and colour. Children growing up in violence; who see, hear and play violent games, tend to become violent in outlook and seek violent solutions to conflicts.
Human rights education is perhaps the medicine to treat this international malaise of violence, hatred and terror which futher leads to distrust, bullying, >abuse of power,deepening conflicts and unnecessary bloodshed and terror. Without tolerence for differing views, lack of respect for puralism, democracy, participation in civil society, human society would end up pooerer and more crude than medieval times.
Promotion of Human Rights education is thus key for bonding the communities and respecting each other as equals in dignity. This International Human Rights Day, TC calls on all Singaporeans to rally around the cause - Stop all forms of abuse and violence against children. Introduce Citizenship rights education for and empower our children!
* International Human Rights Day is on 10th December 2004.
Sources and Relevant Links:
Think Centre Citizenship education: Curriculum on constitutional rights