Capital Punishment: Singapore’s blatant disregard for the right to life

Posted by Think Centre under Breaking News, Human Rights Watch, Policy Watch on 20 May 2016

The family of Kho Jabing is in anguish as they are forced to confront his death after his conviction for unintentional murder was upheld and appeals quashed. The same Apex court of 5 judges dismissed Kho Jabing appeal against his death penalty today. Think Centre strongly deplores the imminent execution of Kho Jabing today. Although amendments were made to the death penalty regime in 2012, the Government of Singapore continues its defence of the death penalty at both the national and international arena. Singapore's amended death penalty regime is deeply flawed through its failure to apply the minimum threshold required under international law. Many international law experts, academics, and human rights groups have repeatedly expressed concern that Singapore's justification for the deterrent value of the death penalty is without substance. The Government has consistently failed to produce any verifiable or credible empirical evidence in support of its position. Stripped bare of all cleverly worded language, what is left exposed, is a simple emotional appeal for retribution that serves no one's benefit except to demonstrate the overwhelming and unbearable power of the State to determine one's life and death. What is ironic is that the implementation of capital punishment is in itself, through the extensive involvement of august institutions of the Executive, Legislative and the Judiciary, a methodical and calculated act of blatant disregard for human life, par excellence.

The family of Kho Jabing is in anguish as they are forced to confront his death after his conviction for unintentional murder was upheld and appeals quashed. The same Apex court of 5 judges dismissed Kho Jabing appeal against his death penalty today.

Think Centre strongly deplores the imminent execution of Kho Jabing today. We are also concerned that other unnamed convicted persons may have been executed. In 2015, four persons were executed (three of them for drug-related crimes) in Singapore.

Although amendments were made to the death penalty regime in 2012, the Government of Singapore continues its defence of the death penalty at both the national and international arena. In July 2014, defying international momentum in the abolition of capital punishment, Singapore resumed the execution of convicted persons who failed or declined to apply for re-sentencing under the amended regime. Since then, several convicted persons have been executed in secret, and only a few of the death row prisoners were able to have their plight made known to the outside world. 

Singapore's amended death penalty regime is deeply flawed through its failure to apply the minimum threshold required under international law. Many international law experts, academics, and human rights groups have repeatedly expressed concern that Singapore's justification for the deterrent value of the death penalty is without substance. The Government has consistently failed to produce any verifiable or credible empirical evidence in support of its position. Stripped bare of all cleverly worded language, what is left exposed, is a simple emotional appeal for retribution that serves no one's benefit except to demonstrate the overwhelming and unbearable power of the State to determine one's life and death. 

What is ironic is that the implementation of capital punishment is in itself, through the extensive involvement of august institutions of the Executive, Legislative and the Judiciary, a methodical and calculated act of blatant disregard for human life, par excellence. 

The UDHR makes execution a violation of the right to life.

Article 3 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person”.  According to Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the right to life is to be protected by law. The same Article prohibits states from arbitrarily depriving persons of their lives. The death penalty is an inhuman punishment that should be abolished.

We need to give everyone, including the family members of the victim, a second chance to re-think, re-calibrate, and re-orientate, this island nation toward a more inclusive, humane and livable Singapore for the present and future.

Think Centre has been advocating for the abolition of the death penalty since 2001 and renew our call today.

In line with the UPR recommendations to Singapore, Think Centre calls for a moratorium on the death penalty to be declared!

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